The Gardener!

30 Sep

A Garden is a place of serene beauty. Some of us have our own in the backyards or balconies of our homes. Some others visit a Garden to enjoy the vista and immerse ourselves in its natural splendor.

The souls that create and nurture a Garden are the Gardeners. For them, every single flora – from the tiniest sapling to the mightiest tree – in the Garden is like a child. They take utmost care to ensure all of them are nurtured well to blossom into a flowery plant, fruity tree, shiny grass or healthy shrub. They tend to Life in its most natural form.

There are two types of Gardeners. One who designs a Garden with a variety of flora and the other who waters, disinfects and prunes the plants and fertilizes the soil regularly.

The first type of Gardener will move on from one Garden to another, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t got any affinity for the plants in any of the Gardens that he designs.

The second type of Gardener will remain in a Garden but spend equal effort for nurturing all the plants in that garden.

Both are important for any Garden as Gardens will wither without the Gardeners’ care, knowledge, support and commitment.

Organizations are also Gardens. Talent Gardens. Associates are the colorful and diverse Flora. And Leaders are its Gardeners. At least they’re supposed to be.

Most of us only consume fruits and flowers that grow in a Garden. Or enjoy the grassy patch for a walk or just lazing around. And almost completely ignore the shrubs. We rarely contribute to a Garden’s growth and well being directly. Actually many aren’t even aware that we’ve to. And most won’t bother as ignorance is bliss.

Same holds good in the organization Garden too. We utilize the flora, aka associates, as resources to deliver results; meet milestones; chase targets; build businesses. We assess the yield regularly and appraise the output annually. We end up treating them as commodities rather than Life forms.

Imagine doing this in a natural Garden. The result will be a catastrophe that will wipe out most Life.

Talent needs tender care and continuous nurturing to blossom into its full potential. Associates look forward to their Leaders to provide that care and attention. They need nurturing to grow. And glow!

A nurtured plant will yield better output. A cared associate will deliver better outcome, wholeheartedly. Joyfully.

A blossoming plant will spread the fragrance. A well tended team will spread the cheer around. Their cheer will be infectious enough to positively impact other teams that haven’t experienced such care.

A glorious Garden with vibrant flora will bring in the bees, butterflies and birds. A nurtured organization will retain and attract more talent.

All of us may not be natural Gardeners. But we can learn to be one. Anyone who’s even dabbled a bit in Gardening can vouch that it is a joyful pursuit. Joy begets Joy!

Remember, there are two types of Gardeners. Which type of Talent Gardener we want to be is our choice, naturally.

Whichever type you choose, be a caring, knowledgeable, supportive and committed Gardener!

Note: All photographs in this post were taken by @PrakashSwamy in the USA, where he & family enjoyed spending time in Gardens and other places of natural splendor, practicing his craft of being a serious amateur photographer – with a Canon EOS Rebel film SLR (Mrew might blink for a change, as they were either born or grew up in the Digital era 😉

Happy Day :-) Thank you for investing time in this Swamystery post. Please take a moment to reflect on what you've gained and kindly leave a comment.


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